Alchemy of Love and Truth:
The Book
"Alchemy of Love and Truth" began when two women who were simultaneously involved with the same man, unbeknownst to each of them, finally intersected. When Renee, determined to discover the truth about her narcissistic abuser, found Francesca, they formed an impenetrable bond of sisterhood that would transform both of their lives forever. Using their trauma and heartbreak as compost in their life garden, they created a series of inspirational messages with coinciding images to support their own journey of healing and empowerment. Beginning with many of their own personal photos, which they had shared exclusively with their lover (aforementioned narcissist), they recreated the images, simply using photo apps on their phones as a means of taking their power back. Together, they added to this collective of visuals as their friendship evolved and their work expanded. This project serves to inspire women who are ready to experience the very "Alchemy of Love and Truth" when standing alone, at a most pivotal turning point upon their path. It is a map of sorts, to serve those who have reached a point of no return; when life-altering circumstances command one's full attention, after being brought to one's proverbial knees, and previous identities have simply been stripped away. Transformation hereby awaits. Within these pages, are morsels of wisdom, and stepping stones of illumination. From those who have traversed the abysmal valley, in order to serve your journey of remembrance and homecoming, we offer you these messages and images in a raw, unedited, hard-cover keepsake book. The contents hereby within, are also offered separately, as a card-deck and booklet of the same title. May the "Alchemy of Love and Truth" send you soaring, like Phoenix rising.