The concept of the Alchemy of Love and Truth was given to me during a pivotal time in my evolution. I had just ended a relationship with a narcissistic sociopath, who mentally and emotionally abused me, used his charm and wit to control me and had me completely and totally wrapped up in his web of lies. I was completely and naively unaware of what was actually taking place.
Ya ever meet those guys, who seem too good to be true? Like, they're romantic and charming, poetic and are amazing lovers? They tell you that you are the one, you're the only one they've really loved and that they have been waiting for you, holding out for you...that they've been noticing you for a while, and blah blah blah...and OH how they've been wounded, cheated on, abused, and OH poor them! Yea, you know..THEM.
Now, this in and of itself would take me pages and pages to share about in totality, so for now I will spare the gory details of that year of horror for me, and for those of you that enjoy a good drama, I will be sharing about it, but I want to touch on the magic that took place, and the blessing that came from having lived through that relationship.
During the course of the year, I ended a 7 year relationship with a Twin Flame, moved out of our space, got pregnant, chose abortion, lost touch with all my friends, became extremely anxiety ridden because I was so worried about what he would think of what I was doing, was lied to cheated on multiple times with multiple women(unbeknownst to me then) , yelled at and accused of being a prostitute (because I am a massage therapist), treated like a princess then like a liar and untrustworthy worthless girl, accused of lying then grabbed by the throat and shoved up against a wall because he didn't believe me, was incredibly paranoid because I truly believed he was crazy and malicious enough to kill me, I attempted an at home abortion while poisoning myself and wanted to die because I felt so incredibly hopeless and countless other detailed disempowering things that very well could have killed me or at the very least, made me a hateful, distrusting, scorned woman.
I'm not saying I wasn't mad...I was...I'm not saying there weren't feeling of revenge, vengefulness and hatred...there were. BUT what I quickly came to conclude, and to realize was that because I had gone so deep into my own psychosis, because I had descended into the depths of my own darkness, because I had allowed myself to become disempowered....It was because of all that I had experienced, that I was given the opportunity and the blessing of also choosing to become the phoenix and rise above all the barren and burned landscape of my life. And from that place in the sky, I could see the beauty of all that had taken place, so perfectly placed were all the events and his arrival in my life, in order to see the pieces of myself that had been broken and in need of repair. I was able then to see how I had wronged others and felt the sting of it coming back to me.
Holding onto hate and resentment, vengeance and disdain only weighed me down. The image, "Hatred/Acceptance" above is a card from the divination deck, The Alchemy Of Love and Truth, I created with 1 of the "other women", who became a sister to me as we rose up into the alchemy of love and truth, and turned our broken pieces into compost for our gardens to be nourished and flourish.
We realized how many women there are out there buried deep in their own graves of fear, disempowerment and abuse, and we became very passionate about sharing this process with as many women as possible. To help liberate them from the shackles that enslave her and to step into the light of herself, fully illuminated in her highest, divine truth!
The choice is ours, to remain in the role of victim or to transform into the victor. Even the most heinous of acts can be forgiven and seen from the higher plane. Namaste.